The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has released the first results from the 2021 Census providing data at Local Authority level only, including population counts by 5-year age band and count of households. All data has been provided rounded to the nearest 100 and may not sum.

More detailed Census 2021 data for small areas and on topics such as ethnicity, health and the labour market are due to be released by ONS from October 2022.

Above-average increase in Oxfordshire’s population

On Census Day, 21 March 2021, the size of the usual resident population in Oxfordshire was 725,300.

Oxfordshire’s population grew by 71,500 (10.9%) since the last Census in 2011 when it was 653,800. This increase in Oxfordshire was above the growth across England (6.6%).

Each district in the county has seen an increase, with the greatest change in Cherwell and Vale of White Horse.

Population Census 2011 Census 2021 2011 to 2021 Percentage change
Cherwell 141,900 161,000 19,100 13.5%
Oxford 151,900 162,100 10,200 6.7%
South Oxfordshire 134,300 149,100 14,800 11.1%
Vale of White Horse 121,000 138,900 17,900 14.8%
West Oxfordshire 104,800 114,200 9,400 9.0%
Oxfordshire 653,800 725,300 71,500 10.9%
Increases in the working age and older population

Between 2011 and 2021, Oxfordshire saw significant increases in the resident population of:

  • Young people aged 5 to 14 (+15%)
  • Working aged people in their 30s (+15%) and 50s (+27%)
  • Older people aged 65+ (+25%)

There has been a fall in the number of children aged 0-4 (-8%). This decline in the number of young children was most significant in Oxford City.

Increase in households

The number of households has increased in Oxfordshire, with an increase in each district with the exception of Oxford City, which has seen a small decline.

Households Census 2011 Census 2021 2011 to 2021 Percentage change
Cherwell 56,700 65,900 9,200 16.2%
Oxford 55,400 55,200 -200 -0.3%
South Oxfordshire 54,100 61,500 7,400 13.7%
Vale of White Horse 49,400 57,500 8,100 16.4%
West Oxfordshire 43,200 48,000 4,800 11.0%
Oxfordshire 258,900 288,100 29,200 11.3%

Households are those with at least one usual resident.

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